Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My New Best Food Friend

I went to Trader Joes this weekend; my first visit in months. I stocked up on some WW staples: goat cheese (2PP per 1 oz and it’s delicious!), coffee (Pumpkin Spice to boot), whole wheat pasta, and Asian Peanut salad dressing (this is fantastic and I would recommend it to everyone who likes spicy peanut satay sauce; it’s 2PP per 2 T – perfect for my lunch salads).

But perhaps my best find were these little guys

They are mini heirloom tomatoes. Tomatoes and I have a rocky relationship. Some days I love them, some days I pretend that we didn’t just hang out the day before. But these tomatoes, oh boy, these tomatoes. They are just the right amount of ripeness: hard enough to pop in your mouth but not too hard that they’re bitter. Since I’m a tomato snob, I tend to buy a pack of cherry tomatoes and throw half of them out because they’re too soft and don’t meet my tomato-standards. The other half I put in salads because if I eat too many of them on their own, I get sick of them. But these tomatoes are different. They are all so individually wonderful. And since there are a variety of them, I never get sick of any one kind. I’ve been having fun trying to taste two different kinds back-to-back to see if I can tell the difference (like a beer or wine tasting, only without the points). I purchased them for my lunch salads, but have been bringing them to work in a plastic baggie for a mid-morning, points-free snack and I pop ‘em like candy. Mmmmm!


  1. These are the absolute best! I love them so much!!

  2. I know! I can't get enough of them. And they're so fantasticaly autumn in color. They kind of taste like autumn now that I think about it.
