Thursday, March 29, 2012


Man, can I maintain. I lost 1 pound this week. I’m back to 31 PP per day and still hovering around that 40-pound-loss mark. One great thing about this loss: I went on vacation last weekend and still lost. Success all around.
I’ve been thinking about my rut and realized that three things happened nearly simultaneously, and any one of them could be contributing to my stagnation. They are:
1.       The holidays. I had my eating under control over Thanksgiving, but I stumbled at Christmas and New Year’s. I never really got back on track since then
2.       The end of my WW meetings (they ended at Christmas)
3.       The beginning of my grammar class, which has taken over my life (in a good way, mind you)
I’ve been so quick to blame my ball-dropping on #3, because that’s what I have to deal with on a daily basis. I feel the stress of class every day, so it’s always available as a scapegoat. But what if it’s one of the other two things?
Now, as much as I love WW, I was not in love with my WW leader. I found her to be non-motivational and often times degrading. I never thought I got much out of my meetings, but what if I really did in some subtle, unrecognizable way?
Or, if I go with #1, what if I just never got back on track after the holidays and I’m using numbers 2 and 3 as excuses for my laziness?
We’re going to find out pretty soon. The semester is over in less than a month. After that I will have no more excuses for simply maintaining my weight. I will start losing again. Although, I must say, I did a pretty good job at staying in the same five pounds for the past four months (makes me feel a little better about maintenance once I reach goal).
Also, the end of April marks my 1-year WW anniversary. I will have lost roughly 40 pounds if I continue at this rate. It’s not the best I’ve ever seen, but it’s a lot better than where I was this time last year.

Weight loss this week: -1 pound
Total weight loss: 40.6 pounds

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