Clay and I took a hike through the New Florence State Game Lands yesterday. He’s done it before, back in his hunting days. I used to go shooting back there (for target practice, not hunting) but never did any hiking. I've been itching to try snowshoeing, but since we apparently live in an area that never experiences snow (what's with this winter?!) I had to settle for a good, old-fashioned hike.
Well, let me tell you. It was exhausting. But good exercise! We both overdressed for the occasion:
But we were successful regardless.
I didn’t have my heart rate monitor, but I estimate that it was a round-trip 3-mile hike. The clincher: ALL UPHILL FOR THE FIRST HALF. Yes, you heard me. All. Up. Hill. And steep in several parts.
I didn’t take my camera either, but found this picture (from here) of a furnace we passed along the way.
It’s amazing to think of the area we were hiking through as a civilized part of the world at one time. The furnace has seen better days. It has crumbling brick and sections of tree lying across the top of it now. But my favorite part of the hike was imaging the era when this furnace was alive and in full effect. Ah, the good ol’ days.
Here’s me after the hike: