I hope today stays as fantastic as it has started. Actually, let me begin with last night. It all started with my Lane Bryant skirt coming in. I picked it up after work, then I went to see The Help with Hannah (we read the book for our book club, so I was anxious to see the movie adaptation), and was pleasantly surprised at how well it transferred to the screen. You know how some movies just make you feel like you’re IN a movie when they’re over? Like you have that overall feeling of accomplishment and attention and your life feels just right in that moment? Or is that just me? Anyway, that movie made me feel like that. Then, when I got home, I tried on the skirt. Now, if you’ll recall, I bought the skirt one size smaller than what I currently wear. Or wore. Because the skirt fit! Not only did it fit, but it looked fantastic! With Hannah’s help, I paired it with a sweater and set it out to wear today.
You know those outfits that make you feel important? Kind of like those movies. Well, I have on that outfit today. I feel great. I’ll take a picture to post later on tonight to show you how great I feel.
So, I got a poetry book published, which is fantastic. The publisher asked for a picture for the jacket, and I sent them one from last fall, when I was 30 pounds heavier. It’s an awful picture. Of course, I thought it was a good picture at the time it was taken. I got my book proof yesterday, saw that picture, and immediately cringed. I do not look like that anymore. I don’t want to advertise that as how I look. I need a new picture of myself to use for my book and today would be the perfect day to have that picture taken. Alas, I’m bogged down with editing work and will be marking up reports until my eyes close. Or bleed. Whichever comes first. So no picture opportunities today.
But I just want you to know that I’m ready for my close-up. And I look fantastic.
Can't wait to see the picture of your new skirt! Can't wait for your poetry book! I need a signed copy to flash around the streets of New York!!